Rednecks, rejects, retards, beans and franks, nuts on the run.Thanks so much, for the moments we shared.'Mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy's strategy is to convince you that the war isn't actually happening.
Others to give, others to share, joys and pains, bumps in the road. Hands out for the fours of cups, for the five golden rings, songs to sing.Hands in the air, good time toads, faces in the colors, rats, roaches, dances in the darkness. American birds, hands to talk, sit and spin, coins to pay. Face of Evil (TV Movie 1996)The Temptations And The Four Tops. Coins …Thanks so much, for the moments we shared.'Mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy's strategy is to convince you that the war isn't actually happening.
THIS FAMILY HATES FACTS... IT'S HYSTERICAL.. Ways to grow, family notes, daddy here, sister also, faces in the mirror.Mistakes INTERVIEW: RACHEL JARROT: NOT JEWISH
Stairs to climb, walks of life, walks of fame, ways to grow,ways to explore,ways to expand, moving up. Castles in the sky.You create your o...
ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. BONES IN A BOX, IN THE GARDEN OF THE DEAD. SIMA JARROT: APRIL 15, 1927 - MARCH 19, 2020.Best of Jazz Divas: Dances With Top Cat.Lions, The Very Best of Jazz Divas:

Great job, great picture, great story to share, thanks so much. Amen to come, more than once, tips to share. Lots of love, lots of luck, lots of tests over time.Lessons daily, in all the things we do, pages to books. AMEN! People beware:Moon light, dances with wolves, yellow lights, white lights, stars to shine.Guns N' Roses - Civil War.Thanks so much, for the moments we shared.'Mental illness is like fighting a war where the enemy's strategy is to convince you that the war isn't actually happening.
Coins Tossed, Cards Flying, Bloody Blue Dreams !!!
Houses and homes, cheap way to live, notes for the veterans, better than sleeping on the ground, at a church, homeless guesses, stories to ...
Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Mildred Bailey. WHY IS DATING SO HARD TO DO: Heads above the common. American birds, American Women, American Veterans, Americans sad and blue. Lessons to learn, lessons to teach, lessons and fairy tales, good and bad.U never make any sense what language do u even speak lol
“When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to the land” - Native American Wisdom.COURSE NAME:bring out the m∆dness.Back In Time, Lovers, Haters, Good Time Toads, Paths To Cross.Twists And Turns, Snakes,Spiders Worms.
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